Privacy Education


In 2022, Zino co-founded Youth for Privacy, a youth-focused advocacy group advocating for secure technologies, data protection, cybersecurity, and privacy. Youth for Privacy educates young students around the world on the values of privacy and practical ways to maintain privacy online through its workshops.

Within a month of founding, Youth for Privacy joined the United Nations Open Ended Working Group on Information and Communication Technologies. It has hosted workshops in Seoul, New York, San Jose, and Buenos Aires, with plans to host sessions in Uruguay and Costa Rica.

Workshops have also been developed as part of the #Leaders4Tomorrow initiative by the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs.

Sign up **here* if you are interested hosting the YFP workshop in your organization, in-person or virtually.*



Youth for Privacy advocates for fair use of data and champions privacy as a human right. It has participated in the United Nation’s Open-ended Working Group on ICTs as part of the civil society stakeholders.

Read and watch statements delivered at the United Nations.

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Youth for Privacy

30 NYC-based Orgs Featured on our 500+ Responsible Tech Organizations List! - All Tech Is Human

Zino Haro on Navigating Data Governance through the Lens of Fashion and Innovation

What’s new with cybersecurity negotiations: The OEWG 2021–2025 annual report adopted - Diplo

Youth for Privacy to Host Data Values Bootcamp for Young Changemakers in Partnership with the Data Values Project








RightsCon Costa Rica registration is open!